Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I always here people say "I hate my life" or "I hate where I am right now" or "I wish things were different." Or even those who say "I want to change."

Well If you want to see a change in your life then change something.

Dont just sit there and complain waiting for someone else to come and change you. It won't happen. Not even God can do that. It must be self-initiated. So make a decision to change something and stick to it!

And No, it may not always be pleasant. You may have to fight with yourself more than usual and it may hurt to not do everything the exact same way you were doing it. But the whole point is that the old way u were doing things wasn't working. So now you have to try new things. Its always uncomfortable to be in a new place for a while but always remember that God designed you to have the upper hand on everything. You always have the choice to continue miserable in life or change it for the better. Happiness is always a choice.

And yes, its going to cost you something. Its going to be work and its going to cost you time. Its may mean giving up that thing that you loved to do so much but you knew deep inside was never actually benefitting you. It may mean putting discipline before pleasure.

And Change does have an amount of risk involved, but change for the better is always well worth it.

The best part about all this is you don't have to do all this changing alone. Its almost impossible to change anything in ourselves without God.

God loves you completely as you are right now, with all of your flaws and all of your faults, with everything that you have messed up in the years before... no matter what you are right now God loves you. But... yes theres a but...

He loves you too much for you to stay the way you are. God is always looking out for our benefit. He's a Father always wanting the best for His kids. So if you want to change something just give it up to Him. Acknowledge the problem before Him and allow Him to change you. Just tell Him what You don't have to do this in your own strength. He will help you through it.

Its around 7:30 in the morning, and I'm supposed to be getting ready for work, but I hope this helped somebody. If you have any comments or questions feel free to post them! God bless!

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