Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Prove Yourself Worthy

So I haven't been up on my blogs... I know I know. Just been a bit busy and for some reason every time i think about doing one, my mind draws a blank. So i figure i'm just gunna write out some of the thoughts that have been rollin through my head throughout the week.

If you really ever expect to get anywhere in life... you have to prove yourself worthy to be there. I guess being in music has really shown me this. Music ain't no easy career path. Look at some of the artists now... They have been working most of their lives to be there... practicing, studying, going to the best music schools, learning from the best musicians and vocal instructors, spending every minute of their lives striving to be where they are now. Sad thing is most of those artists end up wasting that talent singing about garbage, but thats besides the point. What they lack in lyrical significance, they make up for in hard work.

I heard on a music business podcast once that the people who actually make it on the music scene aren't necessarily the best singers or musicians, but they are the hardest workers. They have what we call awesome work ethic meaning even though they might not be the best they work as if they were. And sadly all the real talent out their is quite often lost because of laziness or just lack of motivation, belief in themselves, or drive.

Point is, God created everyone with a gift, whether it be in music or business or whatever... it's in you. However, just because He gave you that gift doesn't mean He doesn't want you to work for it. Every gift has to be developed. Every gift requires persistence, practice, and patience. You could seriously rule in that gift, but if you expect to be on top, be prepared to work for it. You won't just make it on talent alone. You need to practice harder than the next person and develop yourself in any way you can. You need to prove yourself worthy to be there.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life as Few Know It...

Ok so I am going to try to make this intro short and sweet.
Around 3 years ago I came to know God and from that day I have never seen life the same. I realized that this new life I have with God is completely different from the life I used to live and from the life I see alot of people living. There was a new way of seeing, a new meaning, new rules... new everything. Instead of life as we all know it… its pretty much a life as very few know it.

Everyone around me appears to be stuck in what seems like a never ending cycle: you are born, you grow up (this part is optional for many lol), you go to school, go to college, get a job, get married, have a baby, get old, retire, and die. And that may seem good and all for you, but seriously? That’s it?
I think there's so much more to life than this picture perfect image that everyone seems to have blinding them. Here we live in this world of infinite possiblilities and yet everyones afraid to step outside of the frame.
There's so much more to life...
There's actual meaning and purpose…
Theres more than just worrying about “finding that some one..."
More than dead end jobs...
More than working just to make that next payment...
More than picking out a major in college that will decide the rest of ur future…
Theres more than the life u see now.
There's finding urself and who u really are,
Purusing your real passions and dreams,
Finding out that you are loved way more than anyone could on this earth…
There's pain and there are tests and trials...
But then there's also strength, faith, hope and real love.
This is life as few know it.
"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Matthew 7:13

I plan to write about alot of different topics. Mainly things ive learned through God and through experience. All I ask if for an open heart. Read and consider, then tell me what u think. Thanks for reading and God bless.