Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Today was a blast. My friends and I took a little trip to NYC. We were supposed to see a play called the Screwtape Letters based on CS Lewis's book (one of my favorite authors), but plans fell through. It was a little disappointing but God definitely has His way of making the best out of every disappointment.

We attempted to navigate our way through NYC but still managaed to get lost even with VZ Navigator lol. But even when you are completely lost, God once again leads you to the sweetest places. (You might be unable to see where you goin... but He aint blind!) Somehow we ended up at Battery Park. It was beautiful. Just makes you feel like you're in a completely different world. The sun is just glaring behind the buildings creating this long silhouette along the horizon and this amazing reflection on the water. There's just rare occasions where you can just sit back and appreciate God's creation. We just kept taking pics and there we met this beautiful little baby named Chloe who was anything but shy. She would just say hi, come right up to us, smile and blow kisses at us. So cute. (hopefully I'll get the pics form Nikolina).

We got some Italian food which was BANGIN' and then hit up a "Union Square type park." Still not sure what it was called. There were musicians everywhere. Just people jammin with each other, and right in the center of all things was this guy with an upright piano on wheels. Intrigued I went over to find him playing the piano like I've never seen it been played before. Absolutely amazing.I think we might've been there for like 30 minutes just watching him play. It's amazing to see such talent in people. I love to watch people just tap into their gifts and use them to the fullest.

I mean here he was in the middle of New York with a piano. I asked him "Why do you do what you do?" He replied, "Isn't it obvious? Because it makes people happy and it makes me happy. Beats being a rockstar."

I just got so inspired right there. God gives us these amazing gifts inside of us and we can touch so many people with it once we tap into it. We can make so many people happy just in the smallest ways. Our gift is not only for ourselves but to serve others. Just shows me alittle more of how God wants me to be in my own gift.

It's absolutely beautiful to witness people just being what they were made to be...

After that we just chilled with him and sang to his mash up of melodies, until it was time to leave. All in all it was an awesome night just getting to hang out and fellowship with the people I love most, despite the Uhaul car bomb scare.

Until tomorrow.... My last day at Juilliard for the semester! God bless.

Some more pics I took....


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