Monday, May 24, 2010

Thank you for the Moments...

Just something I was thinking the other day...

Thank you for the little moments.
The moment where all is right.
The moment when things have finally turned around if even just for a second.
The moment where you just talk with someone and not have to pretend to be anyone else.
The moment when you pour out your heart with out any hesitation or fear of judgement.
The moment when a former enemy becomes a close friend.
The moment when you look around and realize life is beautiful.
The moment when you share a family dinner for the first time in years.
The moment when your little sister trusts you enough to tell you things.
The moment when doing what you love is the sweetest release.
The moment when you feel God's presence surrounding you and you just feel safe and loved.
The moment of freedom from condemnation.
The moment of realization, clarification, and actualization.
The moment of change when you realize who you were is not who you are, and who you are is not who you will be.

Be thankful!

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