Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Relationships... Part Deux

I definitely think this is a hot topic always. There will probably be many many more blogs on this subject... so ill have to start thinking of new titles for it. lol

Topic of discussion: "Dating Prepares you for divorce." -Lisa Bevere

Ok so before you get all gung ho about this take a minute to broaden the mind for a moment to think about what dating really is...

Dating deals with mostly outward things (what they look like physically, compatibilities, kissing, holding hands, and cuddling n what not) so through dating you pretty much get attached to the person very quickly just through butterflies in the stomach, and all those lovey dovey feelings... Many people say "Dating is just so you get to know the person more and see if your compatible." But let's be real for a minute here... Dating wouldn't be dating if it didn't involve the physical. Otherwise you would just be good friends.

With dating, you think your getting to know each other but in reality it actually skips all of that. Your jumping from just meeting the person into, going out with them, then holding hands, then hugging, then kissing, then eventually for most sex. Through all this we just form this huge attachment, mostly through touch. We begin equate love with touch, thats all. It's mainly all about giving alot of yourself to this person before you really know them. And I'm not just talking about your body... your heart as well.

Its like we've got it all backwards
. We start dating the person and getting intimate with them in order to get to know them? Doing it this way will set us up for divorce. It shud be the other way around.

Get to know the person as a friend; Who are they really when they are not tryin to impress you or compromise themselves to make you happy? Get to know them personally and spiritually, not just what they like an dislike. What do they value? How do they treat others? How do they treat themselves? What do they believe? Do all these things match with your values and beliefs? Otherwise ull find out later on when ur married after the butterflies have moved into ur intestines and out thru the.. well u know... they're gone... ull find out that you had alot less in common than you thought and it was all just a really strong attachment.

The whole concept of dating sets us up for this idea that you can just jump in and out of relationships. Date one guy... dont like him?... get out of it... move on to the next. It gives us a false idea of what true relationships are. No wonder why there are so many people getting divorced. They've taking the idea of dating and applied it to marriage.

True relationships are a commitment.

Well I'm going to keep this one short...ish. But I would definitely like to hear what you think so feel free to comment. God bless!!!

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